Ohio State Buckeyes Back In The NFL Combine | OSU Sports Information
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It's that time of year again. The time when the true football fans often get their first peek at what the next crop of potential stars will look like. The scouting combine is a good starting point to see what kind of measurable goods the young men have to offer to possible NFL suitors. The Buckeyes just had their visit with the combine officials and the results are now in. Overall it seems like a successful visit for many of the Buckeyes class at this year's NFL Combine.

Noah Brown, the six foot two 222 pound wide receiver, is a tall strong ox of a pass catcher. The reach is a lengthy 33 1/4 inch reach with quite large hands that has the strength behind it with 19 reps on the bench press. Running a 7 second cone drill and speedy 4.33 second 40 yard dash Brown can help many teams in the league with his size and speed. Brown's durability has been called into question since he suffered a broken leg that left him sidelined for a year. Last year, he did blossom some, but many scouts say they feel he is just starting to scratch the surface of his development due to his injury. His upside is much larger than his potential injury risk. He could easily go to a team like the Patriots, or Packers, but could drop to the second round because of the injury. When asked of his injury Brown returned with the determination of a warrior saying he has just as much to prove as anybody else.

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