Dawand Jones And The Late Push by Ohio State To Find Line Help | OSU Sports Information
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Dawand Jones is arguably a force to reckon within the sports world. He majors in Football and Basketball in high school but will play football at the next level. From childhood Dawand Jones has been considered a big child. His early school years were not very interesting as his classmates would often tease him. At some point, he refused to go to school to avoid the hurtful things said to him by his classmates. His mother Ms. Deana encouraged him not to give up.

Basketball Career

Little did he know, his size would be an advantage to him in his later years and make a career out of it. Dawand Jones loved basketball and pursued it. He began watching basketball outdoors at around the age 5. Dawand Jones went to Ben Davis High school in Indianapolis. While there his football coach has been Jason Simmons. Coach Simmons refers to him as a wonderful player. He is multi-talented because he also plays basketball and had tried Volleyball while on his 8th Grade at IPS School 108.

With a gigantic athletic body, measuring up to an astonishing 6 feet and 380 pounds, he started his career majoring in basketball.

Dawand Jones basketball career came into the limelight in his junior years at the Junior All Star Game. He averaged 13.4 points, 6.9 rebounds and shot 75percent when his team played with Warren Central in the regional level. Thou his team lost 21-6 against them.

College Visits

Dawand Jones has made 3 football recruiting official visits, first on 9th November 2018 to USC, Second on January 19thth to Ohio State and January 27th to Penn state. He made an unofficial visit to Michigan State in early January. These visits limited him to take football visits within his tight schedule.

He had basketball offers from Ball State, Indiana, Cleveland state, Bowling Green, Mississippi Northern Michigan and Kent State.

Some sources consider him No 84 in the nation and ranked 13th within Indiana for 2019 prospects. On the first of February, Dawand Jones signed his letter of intent with the Ohio State football team. He will be a great asset for the team along the offensive line. He is a great player, with great experience, focused and looks forward to the 2020 Championships. He intends to focus his energy to his academics and sports.

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