Miyan Williams From Winton Woods | OSU Sports Information
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The Buckeyes are getting themselves a new, exciting running back in Miyan Williams. The Winton Woods senior has reached a decision to join the roster for the Buckeyes next season. Miyan Williams is a 3-star recruit based on rivals dot com. With the height of 5’9” and weight of 210 lbs, he has a dynamic combination of both speed and power which will certainly come in handy for Ohio State in the following year.

Who Offered Miyan Williams a Scholarship?

Williams has been an intriguing prospect since he burst on the recruitment scene a year ago. A formerly unranked player he has risen as one of the thirty best running backs in his state. He has a wide variety of offers, 13 in total. Some of those included Kansas, Boston College, Cincinnati, Kent State, Kentucky, and Iowa State. It was that college, Iowa State, to which Williams gave a verbal commitment back in July. But all that changed after a wonderful weekend in Columbus.

What did Williams think of Tony Alford?

Miyan Williams visited the campus and attended the game Ohio State played against Penn State on that faithful weekend. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that … Read more at FryingPanSports

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