Sell your Baseball Rookie Card in Arizona | OSU Sports Information
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Sell your Baseball Rookie Card in Arizona

If you are like many adult males in the US, you have a collection of baseball cards worth quite a bit of money that you saved from when you were a child. You might have at one time tried to sell them at a trade show, online, or at a garage sale but was unable to obtain a good price. I recently came across an Arizona based buyer and seller of baseball cards that you should contact.

I have a baseball Mantle card that I always thought was worth quite a bit and all the pricing books supported this feeling. I was never able to get a price close to what was reported to be it’s value until I came across Maybe for you, it’s not Mickey Mantle but a baseball rookie card, this buyer and seller of cards is looking for what you want to sell.

As long as your cards are vintage cards, pre-1969, they will be happy to work with you. And if you have other cards in addition to baseball cards and don’t have the time to sell them properly, will purchase football, basketball, and hockey cards too. Take a look at their services today.

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